So imagine my joy when Mom countered the wardens with a cutification campaign. (Cutification should be a word. Let's start a petition together...) A little hat, a little pacifier, and voila! I'm back to being pretty darn cute.
A few things you probably can't tell from the photo:
- I didn't gain any weight yesterday. Still at 1850 grams. Boo.
- I had fewer drops in my heart rate yesterday, so maybe the old man tubes are working. Yay.
- I am sucking on this pacifier like a champ. Maybe I'll learn to bottle feed soon. Super Yay.
All in all, I'm going to have score this round:
Guards 0, Mom and Isaac 1
isaac you dapper boy you. that hat, that paci, i'd say your mom has pretty fab taste and you wear it all so well! i bet bottle feeding is just around the corner, yay! yay! yay!