Thursday, August 23, 2012


Look carefully at the following photo:
Notice anything strange?  (Besides Dad.) Notice anything missing? Do you happen to notice a particularly shapely forearm, free from encumbrances? You can't see it because I'm busy sleeping on it, but my other arm is similarly bare.  

I don't have any more IVs!  

Today they removed the last of my IVs, the so called PICC line. When they put it in, they called it "Setting a PICC" and I thought they were talking about basketball. Imagine my surprise. They used the PICC line to feed me intravenously,  but now that I'm taking all my food orally (actually through the gavage tube,  but still....) I don't need the IV. 

This has the added side effect of allowing me to wear clothing and be swaddled. So now I can take super cute pictures like this one:

As soon as I demonstrate that swaddling and t-shirts are enough to help me maintain my temperature, the guards will move me to the minimum secure basinet.  From there, escape is imminent...

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