Wednesday, August 29, 2012

If medicine were a science

Dad's been filling my ears lately with how medicine needs more science.  Even Mom has been saying that government analysis is more rigorous and scientific than medical practice. So I've decided to take matters into my own hands and science-up my cribside.  This chart is my first data product. It shows my weight from day 0 (my birthday!) to now.  Because my caloric intake has been more or less constant (and so have my poops) I'm assuming that my growth rate is linear.  This is shown in the solid line.  The dashed lines are the +/- 1 sigma error bars. 

My conclusion?  These people need more accurate scales. 

PS. I'm growing at 16.6 grams per day.  

1 comment:

  1. Dear Isaac,
    I read your parents recent blog concerning their lack of confidence in the medicines use of science. The phrase garbage in, garbage out might ring a bell. In your case it is calories or food in and what ever you want to call it out. In the interval changes have taken place to what goes in and what comes out bears no resemblance to the way it started. It is treated with various chemicals, exposed to interfaces that alters its contents, sorted into liquid and solid categories and then like a miracle you grow and what you can't use is discarded. Keep doing what you are doing Isaac and come meet your San Diego cousins real soon.
    Uncle Jordan
