Monday, August 27, 2012

Do the Shuffle

As it turns out, two steps forward might be asking too much.  So we're going to set the Texas Two Step aside in favor of the Beverly Hills Shuffle.  In this dance, we shuffle slowly forward and hope the guards aren't watching.  

For instance, today we shuffled forward so quietly and with such good behaviour that the warden removed my old-man tubes. But in the interest of "shuffling," not "stepping," I asked him to leave the tube stickers on. That way no one gets nervous -- "Nothing to see here, Officer."  I'm not quite as cute as with no tubes and no stickers, but I'll take it. Add in the 20 grams I gained yesterday (I'm up to 1870!) and today counts as a sneakily serious shuffle forward. Tomorrow we'll try to shuffle in some more food and maybe some bottle feeding.

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