Friday, August 31, 2012

I came. I sucked. I burped.

This, my loyal readers, is what we here in the big house call "a big f'ing deal." I have drunk my very first glass of milk on my own from a bottle. Not exactly a glass really, more like 9 milliliters.  But that's 9 ml of kicking butt and taking names,  thank you very much. This was my first try at drinking, so I don't have quite the drinking endurance of my parents,  but it will come. Right now I get to try drinking from a bottle about once a day. Eventually, I will reach something like 8 feedings a day of 35 milliliters each.  But as Bill Murray said in "What About Bob,  "baby steps."

On a related note, I gained 90 grams yesterday and another 40 grams today. I'm all the way up to 2035 grams = 4 pounds, 8 ounces! Around here, we call it the "Two Thousand Club."  

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