I was getting too cute. The guards felt it would too be easy for me to talk my way out, so they took matters into their own hands: they put the old man tubes back on. Lame.
Dad's told me about the Texas Two Step - a dance so simple even he can do it. Putting these tubes back, I call it the California Two Step: two steps towards the door, and one step back. I'm not happy about stepping back, but Mom says it builds character and gives me more room to gather speed when I finally make my break. Speaking of speed, I'm up to 4 pounds, 1 ounces - my birth weight. Keep your fingers crossed, from now on I'm in the black.
I'm boycotting cute photos until they take out the old man tubes again. Maybe that will help break down the guards. Until then, check out yesterday's post. Instead we can discuss my cool "Isaac" signs, since I have three. I believe if you're gonna be an escape artist, it's important to work on name recognition early. I'm working on trademarking the "Insuppressible Isaac" in anticipation.
Here's a photo of my new crib showing the sign my cousins made for me because they aren't old enough for jailhouse visitation rights (the others are on the side you can't see). Let's hope the cute photo boycott doesn't last long ...
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