Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hurricane Isaac

As you may have noticed, my alter-ego, Tropical Storm Isaac, is doing a better job at escaping than I am. TS Isaac is doing a cool 20 mph across the Southern Atlantic. For a while, it looked like it was going to become Hurricane Isaac and wallop the Republican Convention in Tampa.  As a California son, I'm still hopeful. I'm going to sleep on it.

Although TS Isaac is wussing out, I am gathering strength. As you know from yesterday, my nose tubes are out and I'm breathing 100% on my own. I've gained weight again, up to 1795 grams: almost my birth weight. And my food is all the way up to 33 ml every 3 hours, so I'm off the IV nutrients. Tomorrow, if I show that I can eat fast enough, they'll even take the IV out!  Little do they realize how fast I'll escape once they disconnect me from everything.

Training in the exercise yard has not been progressing so fast. Every time Mom takes me out of the "Little Big House" for a little Roo time, I fall asleep and forget to do my push ups.  Tomorrow I'll do better. 


  1. caolionn you look sooooo pretty pretty pretty. i know it's early to say, but so far isaac looks loads like you! xxx

  2. Caolionn:

    What a wonderful pic.Isaac and you look great. The latest news about Isaac is priceless. Gotta post one soon with all three of you.

    I can't tell you how much I laughed reading this entry about TS Isaac. How many kids can say they had a HS named after them?

  3. Happy baby guys, I'm so glad you finally made Mary and Nathan grandparents. Isaac is beautiful as is Caolionn. Sam you did good, really good!
    Lots of Love,
    The Perry's

    Ps. The blog is awesome!!
