Monday, September 3, 2012

Rocks for Jocks

Sometimes I think my parents aren't so smart. Last night we had an earthquake -- my first ever. It was wee, like me. Only magnitude 3.3.  It was also about a kilometer from our prison. To be honest, me and my inmate buddies (all 8 of us) slept right through it. The guards were all running around like headless chickens, but we inmates eventually calmed them down. The USGS tells the whole story (let's make sure we keep funding them, shall we?) in the following awesome plot:
Notice that the potential damage ranged from none to none.  Also notice that my not-too-smart parents have a house on one of those big red lines. That can't be good. 

Long story short, when my parents came by today, I tried to tell them about the earthquake so they could search for loose bricks, broken locks, and cracks in the prison walls. They were just a way too slow to catch on. You will do better,  I know. To prove my point, I include a video showing our conversation:

They didn't get it at all. Jocks indeed. By The Way,  I gained another 50 grams today, bringing me up to 2155g = 4lbs, 12oz.  Hot.

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