Saturday, September 8, 2012

Ladies Love IFW

So I've decided my parents aren't nearly as committed to my escape as they should be. I mean, really, I've been here a frickin' month and still no file?! But I've found some new allies that are crazy over the moon for me and would do anything to help me escape -- they are called grandmothers. The only problem with using them for my escape plan, neither of them has sufficient athletic talent to simultaneously hold me, run for the door, and fight off the guards. Maybe both of them together???  <Sigh>  Seriously, can't I get a break already?


As always,  you can click on the photo for big pictures.  

And as always - my weight update.  I gained another 65 grams yesterday, bringing me up to 5 lbs. 2 ounces. I'm going to be huge when I finally break out of here...

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