Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Don't shower alone

If there's one thing I've always heard about the big house, it's that you never shower alone. And you never pick up the soap. Never ever. One of my biggest fears about incarceration was the showers, if only because I'm a bit scrawny and not yet ready to defend myself. I've been working on making a shiv, but my parents still haven't gotten me that file I've been asking for. 

So imagine my surprise tonight when they called us out for rounds and instead of going to the showers, I got a sponge bath from two beautiful ladies. Heaven!  

In the interest of decency, I'm only allowed to show the part where they towel me dry. Doesn't it look wonderful? The eagle-eyed viewer might notice that the scale reads 4 pounds 13.4 ounces = 2195 grams; I've gained 40 grams.

Things got better after the sponge bath. Mom has finally responded to my cute "sucky-face" and learned to feed me from a bottle. I drank all 40 milliliters of milk from this bottle and wanted more.  

Hence the surprised "WTF?" hand gesture. She hasn't learned that gesture yet. 

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