Sunday, September 9, 2012

D'oh! I overslept!

I totally overslept my meeting with the Parole Board this morning. Mom and Dad were bummed out when they came to see me and found out I didn't pass my exam because I slept through most of my bottle feedings. Unfortunately, a big part of the "has two complete bottles of milk per shift" requirement is the "stays awake long enough to drink a bottle of milk" prerequisite.  I like to think of this course as NICU 201.  (Drinking one bottle was NICU 101.)

So imagine Mom and Dad's surprise when they came in for the night feeding and found this:

Click on the photo if you have trouble reading it, but that squiggly bit in the middle -- the part that looks like "3" -- means upon further consideration by the Board I actually passed! The wardens have moved me up to 3 feedings per shift. Mom got all smiley and happy when she saw the sign. Strangely, Dad started yapping about "grade inflation" and "academic integrity" and "schools not being what they used to be." Then he sat down like a good dad and fed me a whole 40 ml bottle in 11 minutes flat. At which point I passed out.  Passed out cold:


For those of you keeping score at home, I gained 35 grams today, topping in at 2370 grams = 5 pounds 3.6 ounces. If I don't clear out of here soon, I'm going to grow too big for all my clothes.

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