Sunday, September 2, 2012

Double Trouble

Rumor has it that a couple of guys busted out of Alcatraz by using body doubles to dupe the guards. Sounds like a great idea. I've been looking around for a body double and think I've found the guy. If you know his whereabouts, let me know and I'll make him a deal he can't refuse:

Notice he's about the right size, has my monkey-long arms, a tinge of ginger in the hair, and awesome good looks. I don't think the guards stand a chance.  For comparison purposes, here's a mug shot of me from yesterday.  

I'm sleeping because I'll admit my training schedule has got me pooped. In the last two days, I've had four bottles with 35 ml, 27 ml, 30 ml, and 27 ml of milk, respectively. That's four straight bottles where I've drunk more than 75% of my allotted dose. Hopefully tomorrow the NICU Doc's will up my bottles to four per day. If I do well at that, I'm theoretically halfway to freedom's finish line... Speaking of food, I put on another 40 grams, bringing my weight up to 2105 gms = 4 pounds, 10 ounces. I expect I'll start boxing bantam weight class in the prison yard soon.  

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