Monday, September 10, 2012

I'm not leaving

Just when I was starting to make plans to bust out, the wardens pulled the ace from their sleeves, the trump to top all trumps (The Donald included).  I don't how they did it, but they did.  I have to give them credit.  They are geniuses. Evil geniuses.   

I first noticed it this evening when I was showing off my new skills to Dad. I mentioned yesterday the business about sleeping through exams and feedings. The reason they bumped me to Milestone 3 is because they saw that I can eat and sleep... at the same time! I know you are jealous, and you should be. It's awesome. So awesome, I wanted to show dad how I do it: 

And that's when I noticed it in the reflection from his glasses.  How could I miss it?  How could you miss it?  You missed it? How about this image:

I HAVE A ZIT!  This is Beverly Hills!  I can't go outside with this!!! Totally unacceptable. This is a hospital, there must be dermatologists nearby. I refuse to leave with this bullseye on my head. I love my parents and all, but did they have to give me their bad skin!?! I'll show them - I'm going to wait this one out...

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