These photos were all rejected as "unbecoming of a Waldman or an O'Connell holiday card" but they should be good enough for the internet.
Here I am rocking my holiday party outfit.
Here I am starting to get bored and pout that we keep taking these photos.
This is me peeved.
This is me doing puppy dog eyes. This is also a hat I outgrew in 3 days. Seriously. 3 days.
This is me sticking my tongue out. Just because I can.
This last photo isn't the best, but it does show off my most awesome feature: heart shaped nostrils. You didn't know they were cute until now, but they just melt your heart, don't they?
In other news, I had another wonderful visit to the doctors before the holidays. I now weigh somewhere between 14.2 lbs and 1 ton, I'm almost two feet tall, and I'm better than 50th percentile in the awesomely large head category (see aforementioned hat problem).
Next post: sleep training or, as we like to call it, the seventh circle of hell.
Love them heart shaped nostrils! Glad you got the email, oh and we still need your address!