Thursday, November 15, 2012

I'm not fat, I'm big boned

Dad's been making fun of me for being too fat. I keep trying to tell him I'm just big boned, but he's having none of it. In fact, he's forced me  to post his so-called "argument" here in pictocumentary form. 

<Dad's voice>
Exhibit A:  Isaac's knuckles each have their own dimple.

Exhibit B: His chin is only distinguishable as the intersection between three pudges.

Exhibit C: Isaac's ankle's have two fat rolls each, and the arch of his foot arches the wrong way. 

Exhibit D: Isaac most resembles a (cute) bowling ball with fat little chub hands.

So tell me what you think.  Fat?  Or just big boned?


  1. adorable. no need for any other label :-)

  2. Neither fat nor big boned, just so cute!! We are so looking forward to meeting Isaac soon!
