Friday, October 5, 2012

Modern day publishing

This blogging business is hard work. It puts me to sleep every time:

I don't know how people ever published on paper. Exhausting!

There is no other news fit to print, but I'll blog a little anyway.
In my milestones this week, I've managed to:

  • Pee on Dad during a diaper change, after first distracting him with a stealth poop
  • Poop on Dad during a diaper change, after first distracting him with a stealth pee
  • Pee on Mom during a diaper change, while Dad was doing the changing. She was just an innocent bystander...
  • Visit the ophthalmologist and get my eyes dilated
The eye doctor was good. After I got over the whole "extremely-bright-light-in-my-dilated-eye trick", it was easy.  He said my eyes were a "little immature." 

I said, "Can it, Doc. I'm not supposed to be born until next Wednesday." 

Today's not-terribly-flattering fat baby picture:

1 comment:

  1. Dear Isaac,

    What are those jailers doing to you?? They have tied you up like a rib roast. But please be patient, "help is on the way!" Are they force feeding you like Foie Gras goose? Is there some evil intent behind this? Hang in there, "help is on the way!" I also recommend you maintain your defense mechanism of peeing on them every time they unwrap you as they anticpate sampling you as an appetizer. Isaac, I like the way you think!

    Love, Grampa (help is on the way)
