Friday, August 17, 2012

An Anniversary, of sorts

Today marks a week since being incarcerated. Mom and Dad brought me a little something to brighten up my cell/crib and mark the occasion. I would have preferred a file baked in a cake, but it seems the parents aren't up to that level of culinary skill.  They also moved me from my old cell to this new, airy glass cell. It's like Magneto's cell in X-Men. I call it the "Little Big House."  It's a downgrade from the Supermax they had me in.  Let's call it a Medium Security Cell.  I hear there is a minimum security basinet - that's my next target. 

I continue to search for my thumb as a way to kill time whilst getting bigger. Hopefully, just a few more days and I will once again tip the scales at 4 pounds, since I am now at 3 lbs. and 13 oz. 

I know it's around here somewhere...

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