Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Its been a while

I know its been a while. I've been busy trying to find my feet. I'm happy to say,  I've succeeded. In case you are keeping score, I've also started eating solid foods. Apples are my favorite, but I'll tolerate yams, peas, barley, oatmeal...  To tell you the truth, I'll eat pretty much anything as long as you sing "Yum Yum in my Tum Tum" while spoon feeding me. Third on my list of accomplishments: I can now make a noise like "Thbpbpb."  I bet you didn't realize that's a developmental milestone, didya? Well, it is in this house. 

To scratch your picture itch,  here's the latest. Hot of the instagram press:

By the way,  I don't actually smile this much. The photog caught me in moments of weakness. Just so you know. If you'd like to find more,  we are at "neutralino.productions" on instagram. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Mom has discovered Instagram. It's an iPhone app that lets you take pictures, edit them, and post them. So she's been taking, editing and posting non-stop. Where "non-stop" means once a day or so. Here are her personal favorites:

The Professor